Two prominent Russian human rights lawyers will speak on the
current state of democracy and the rule of law in Russia
Sergey Golubok, LLM, PhD. Professor Golubok is an attorney with Semenyako, Grib & Partners in St. Petersburg, Russia. In that capacity he has defended political activists and NGO’s in high profile cases and argued extradition cases before the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. He also served with the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France from 2008 to 2011. Golubok received his PhD in international and european law from the St. Petersburg State University Law School.
"Rule of Law in Russia: Contemporary Challenges" by Sergey Golubok.
More than twenty years ago Russia emerged as one of post-Soviet countries. On paper, it embraced European and international human rights standards. Many systemic challenges remain and it is hard to say that rule of law standards are fully complied with in contemporary Russia.
When the Candidates are the Election Monitors: Using Strategic Litigation to Advance Democracy in Russia
Anton Burkov, LLM, PhD
Professor Burkov serves as the chair of the European and Comparative Law Department at the University of Humanities in Yekaterinburg, Russia. He has worked with the Urals Center of Constitutional and International Human Rights Protection of the NGO Sutyajnik, serving as a legal representative in a number of cases before the European Court of Human Rights and national courts. He is currently a Galina Starovoitova Fellow on Human Rights and Conflict Resolution at the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C.
"For over a decade, Russian human rights NGOs have been using strategic litigation to protect citizens' rights using the courts. One such strategy is for civil rights activists themselves to participate in elections as candidates, in order to be in a better position to monitor the election process. When violations of democratic principles occur, a participating candidate has standing to initiate strategic litigation to correct the structural problem in law and in practice. The talk will cover litigation campaigns stemming from elections between 2000 and 2013, in Russian district courts, the Russian Supreme Court, the Russian Constitutional Court, and the European Court of Human Rights."
Speech by Anton Burkov at Harvard Law School
Speech by Anton Burkov at the University of Massachusets Boston
Power Point presenation by Anton Burkov
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Read about the event in the aticle in Harvard Gazette 15.03.2014